Hello Readers,

We are so excited to share with you this week these new releases from November that we think you will enjoy. Blessings!


Kisses from Heaven

Author: CB Caleb Woodworth MD

Genre: Spiritual Growth

Release Date: November 12, 2024


Welcome, saints. We know that Jesus performed attesting miracles (divine interventions in the affairs of men) to persuade the Jews that He was their Messiah (Mt. 11: 2-5). Here in these pages, we, Caleb and Emily Woodworth, share unique, often inexplicable, sometimes extraordinary, and even supernatural God moments, Kisses from Heaven, as testimonies from our own lives to help convince others that He is the same yesterday, today, and forever (Heb. 13:8).


When we Christians are determined to wait for, listen to, and willingly obey Holy Spirit instantly, joyfully, and completely, the Lord will often show up unannounced, occasionally incognito, and frequently at the eleventh hour to leave us with Kisses from Heaven, not only to build our confidence in Jesus but also to establish a belief in Him for those around us.


So, welcome, saints, to our wonder-filled world, hopefully to soon be yours, where Kisses from Heaven fall upon those who hunger, believe, and share Apostle Peter’s epiphany: “I most certainly understand now that God is not one to show partiality” (Acts 10:34).



Click here to get your copy!
