This book is the fourth installment in Celebrate Lit’s Independence Island Series, and I loved Rachel Skatovld’s addition to the Merriweather Islands. Kendall the main female lead, is a spunky redheaded family-oriented woman with a good head on her shoulders and the typical responsibilities of an older sibling. Rachel Skatvold did a great job interweaving Kendall’s love of animals with setting up a small business and the different obstacles you would run into in a small community (plus being on an island!). I also loved Tyler. He displayed all the qualities I think of when someone mentions a hero. I loved his caring nature, his sense of family responsibility, and his dedication to doing what he thinks is right. Rachel Skatvold also dealt with some tough issues honestly and with a refreshingly real look into the life of an active duty military man.

“Somehow seeing the words written by your own hand and knowing you held and sealed it with love, makes it seem like we’re not so far apart.”

After reading the end of this book I am looking forward to reading more about Kendall and Tyler’s story. The plot of their story kept me hooked and engaged with the characters and what would happen to them. It was kind of reminisce of a friend to lover’s trope type of story that I did not want to put down.

I give this story 5 out of 5 stars for the ending I did not see coming, the great characters, and for leaving me wanting more. I sincerely loved the simplicity of Her Merriweather Hero and the deep thought processes this book had; I am truly looking forward to reading more books from Rachel Skatvold.


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