Secret Beach Boyfriend has a powerful message, beyond being a really fun story. It had me laughing, thinking, and almost in tears a few times.

Rafe’s hero quest was something to behold. He has a plan. It’s going to work. No matter the cost to the ones he’s trying to help. This had me thinking about my attempts to help. Do I seek God first, and consider what is best, or only what I want to do?

Annie’s father left when she was 5, so she struggles with her self worth, with believing God (or anyone else) could possibly love or accept her. She’s blinded herself to many good and healthy relationships. I found this so relatable! So many times we  let 1 person’s actions (or our perceptions of them) dictate how we feel about everything else.

The different life-long friendships were great (and that they were homeschoolers was even better). It gave the perfect platform to speak truth into each other’s lives. They had fun together, but they were also comfortable enough to stand up when needed.

The beauty of false starts, sacrificing what “I” want, and putting someone else’s needs first made this a fantastic story. It fills its allotted 3 weeks with enough growth be believable and satisfying, without rushing all the way to a happily ever after.
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