I truly enjoy reading anything by Jennifer Sienes and I especially love that her books are part of a series so I get to revisit favorite characters from past books. Wish Upon a Star was a fast, easy read that I read in one sitting. I enjoyed getting to know Elaina and Ryan, although I had met them in Melissa and Duncan’s book previously. They were very relatable characters and Elaina’s helicopter parenting was all too familiar. Who wouldn’t helicopter parent if their daughter had been molested by someone who she brought into the house? Talk about the ultimate parent guilt!

Elaina’s girls were engaging, funny, and very typical of the ages they were. It was fun to watch them build a relationship with Ryan, and fun to watch Em, his niece, help play matchmaker and keep him in the girls’ lives during a misunderstanding he and Elaina were having.

This book touches on strongholds of guilt, learning to forgive oneself, learning to forgive others, and learning to trust. I think one of my favorite characters was the pastor. He was so personable and written in a way that he truly cared about his flock – all of them. I love how he was written as human, though, too. The jogging scene? Let’s just say I would be huffing and puffing more than the pastor was!

The author portrayed Elaina’s parents (the girls’ grandparents) so spot on. It was fun to watch their interactions and made me want to call my mom. Glad I get to see her tomorrow!

Anytime I pick up one of Jennifer Siene’s books, I know I will be engrossed in it, enjoying it from the first page to the last. Thoroughly enjoy this author. Whether it’s full length novels or novellas, she knows how to keep her readers entertained and bring a great storyline to life.


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